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How Can I Study?

How Can I Study
KingsWay Studens

Tertiary study and training is any form of learning after secondary school. There are a number of ways you can study and train in New Zealand:

  • Distance learning offers a wide range of full and part-time study and training to people all over the country who can’t or don’t want to attend a provider in person. Some distance learning programmes have a residential component that requires students to attend classes face to face on campus for a short period each year - such as a two-week block course. Sending and receiving material by post is one of the main forms of communication.

  • Full-time study and training means the majority of your time is spent attending a tertiary provider. This may be the fastest way to finish your qualification.

  • Part time study and training: Many qualifications and courses can be studied part-time. One advantage of part-time study and training is that it allows you to continue with other family, work or sporting commitments. Usually your qualification is completed over a longer time frame than if you studied full time.

  •  Workplace training means you can study and train while continuing to work. You can be trained on the job or trained off-site by a registered training provider such as a polytechnic or private training establishment

  • E-Learning is learning that is enabled or supported by the use of digital tools and content. It typically involves some form of interactivity, which may include online interaction between the learner and their teacher or peers. e-Learning opportunities are usually accessed via the internet, though other technologies such as CD-ROM are also used in e-learning. 

Summer school courses are usually offered over the summer months and provide a number of opportunities. They can be: 

  • Courses to provide you with background or preparation for further study

  • Short courses that help you become familiar with the demands of tertiary study, such as assignment expectations, reading workloads and other things such as time management.

  • Courses that allow students to retake a course and re-sit the exam if they did not pass at the first attempt.

Some students also take courses over the summer months to shorten the length of time taken to complete a qualification.

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